понедельник, 9 октября 2017 г.

Game for fans of the movie about the Winx girls.

 Game "Surfing?" with the characters from the cartoon Smeshariks

Game for fans of the movie about the Winx girls.
Piksiki - want to fly to the clouds. They say that the clouds are soft, soft and made of cotton candy. they all are very eager to try the taste of clouds, but here's the problem - without your participation, they will not be able to fly. You can help them, you need only to click carefully each character and then all Piksiki will fly to the clouds and taste them. And what really sweet cloud? Help Piksikam.
Goal of the game to help the Piksikam reach the clouds everything. Specify - all at the same time Piksiki to reach the clouds. If one falls, will not be able to fly - friendship comes first! Or both, or none. Or you think!?? That you do not here .....
-=Click here to play the kids game=-

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