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A match is a tool for starting a fire. Typically, matches are made of small wooden sticks or stiff paper. One end is coated with a material that can be ignited by frictional heat generated by striking the match against a suitable surface. Wooden matches are packaged in matchboxes, and paper matches are partially cut into rows and stapled into matchbooks. The coated end of a match, known as the match "head", consists of a bead of active ingredients and binder; often colored for easier inspection.
✔️ After purchasing strike anywhere matches for some side-by-side tests to find the best strike anywhere matches available today, I began to wonder: “How are strike anywhere matches different from safety matches?” I figured other people would be wondering the same thing, too, so I decided to research the differences.
✔️What Are Safety Matches? What Are Strike Anywhere Matches?
To start, let’s define what safety matches and strike anywhere matches are.
Safety matches are matches that will only ignite when struck against a specially prepared striking surface like those found on the sides of matchbooks and matchboxes. For this reason, they are also known as “strike on box matches.” They are the most common type of match available today. They are the type you probably have in your kitchen or camping gear stash right now.
Safety matches also have a couple derivations beyond simple kitchen matches. Safety matches is a sort of umbrella term, underneath which you find waterproof matches and stormproof matches.
Strike anywhere matches are matches that will light from friction against any suitable striking surface. In this case, “suitable” means hard, rough, and dry. For example, in our tests to determine the best strike anywhere matches available today, we struck matches against rock, wood, brick, and even other matches with success.
✔️Should You Buy Safety Matches or Strike Anywhere Matches?
Are you interested in purchasing safety matches or strike anywhere matches for camping or another outdoor activity?
If so, I recommend you buy safety matches. However, not just any old safety matches, but high-quality ones such as waterproof matches or, even better, stormproof matches (stormproof matches are waterproof and windproof).
Why do I recommend safety matches?
Simple: strike anywhere matches are hard to come by nowadays. Many brands have been discontinued. The only brand widely available in the US at this time is Diamond Greenlight Strike Anywhere Matches. According to Jarden Home Brands, the maker of Diamond Greenlights, here’s where you can find Diamond brand products: You can find a few brands of strike anywhere matches online but I suggest you read about why I’ll never buy them online again before going that route. Overall, strike anywhere matches are a hassle — sometimes an impossibility — to find in the US.
Safety matches, on the other hand, can be found in most big-box retailers or outdoors stores. While buying matches to test for this site, I found quality waterproof matches and stormproof matches at Walmart, Academy, REI, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Gander Mountain. I’m sure you could also find them at Target, Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shop, and any local mom-and-pop outdoors store.
#БезопасныеСпички #SAFETYMATCHES
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